Pop-Up Shop at Wolf & Badger
November 13, 2019
Pop-up shops have become very popular and the use of the concept only increases by the day. They are cheap and are an effective way to get revenue. Pop-up shops were first introduced in the early 1990’s in large cities, however it didn’t become popular until after the financial crash in 2008. There are no rules with pop-ups – it can be anything from food to fashion to art and come in all shapes and sizes.
One of the best things about pop-up shops is how engaging it is with customers. Talking to customers face to face, building stronger relationships with them and getting to know them personally is key. Another great thing is building awareness. The media and customers get excited by the idea of a pop-up, especially if the designer is involved.
Hendrikka Waage had a very successful pop-up shop at the beautiful Wolf & Badger store in Kings Cross. Hendrikka was previewing her Nordic collection for both new and existing customers. Engaging with customers was the biggest factor of the day, it was extremely valuable to get to know them and see what the consumers are all about. We will keep you updated with our next pop-ups in the near future!